July Fishing Report

Since end of June I’ve fished some, but worked lots, and have spent most of my time back in Chicago. I’ve caught fish, but none in my mind worthy enough to make posts about them. Based on how poor the month of July has been, I’m glad that my real day job as design consultant and communication specialist gave me something to do and kept me busy. The joys of being an independent businessman.

But that’s not all….. I’ve been actively shopping for a new fishing boat. If you happen to see a mid 1990’s to early 2000’s model Ranger 681 C or 681VS for sale anywhere within 500 miles from Chicago or northern Wisconsin, please let me know. I’ve inquired and negotiated on some, but none that quite met my standards. Only requirement is that it cannot have an outboard with billions of engine hours on it, nor a Mercury (I’ll tell you why about the Mercs in private if interested).

July is typically my worst month of fishing anywhere; mostly due to weather, hot water temperatures, and the need to take a mid-summer break from my usualĀ  intensity. But July 2014 was going to be different, and epic. Things changed however. I had a lot planned for the month before a few unforeseen circumstances led to cancellations and trip reschedules.

I had mentioned I was going to take a 1 week trip in early July to fish smallmouths and pike on Rainy Lake, Ontario with Camp Narrows Resort. High rainfall totals and poor water control management with all the dams and tributaries leading into the lake resulted in this shoreline-built camp being flooded out, forcing them to partially shut-down early in the month. Trip has since been re-scheduled for the week of August 24th through Labor Day assuming no further natural disasters occur. I also had secondary and possible third trips planned. Lake of the Woods muskies were to be visited later next week and again in end of August but these trips had to be canceled – which ultimately may or may not happenat allĀ  this year; but fingers crossed for September maybe. Finally, a trip to upstate New York to fish Lake Erie, Champlain and Oneida was also planned too but due to these cancellations and rescheduling I had to prioritize and that one’s on hold for maybe mid September, or sometime in fall.

So there ya have it. An epic month which did not happen. Shit happens, but I’m privileged to have the schedule to allow such awkward scheduling.

Not having to travel far for good fishing in Wisconsin’s northwoods is always a good backup. And that’s what I did again in July.

Due to weather and a screw-up in my month’s travel plans, I haven’t generated the results I seek in order to post more timely. I’ve also been lazy and lacking good story lines. Since my last writing in mid June, I’ve caught muskies, some really nice smallmouths, and huge panfish. With tourist season also in full swing, I’ve done a great job avoiding the busy popular lakes in favor of quiet ones, and private access waters via. resorts. I’ve found a few gems along the way that I can revisit again.

Here’s a pictorial of my last month on the water. Mostly from end of June through early July, and the weekend of July 19th.


The month started very promising with muskies as tournament partner, Steve Peterson, and I fished our June 28th Northwoods Muskies club summer tournament in Minocqua, WI. Out of 52 anglers, we were the only boat to double up with this 40.75 and Steve’s 36″, only to find out during the awards ceremony that this was an individual angler tournament. Sayyyyy whattttt? We caught the most inches of fish. In my heart we came in first place, but on paper I came in third place with this catch. Still a victory, and a nice prize was earned.

If interested in joining our club as a member, or participating in our monthly outings and meetings while on your vacations, we welcome all Muskies Inc. members from any outside chapters to join us in our events and programs. We also invite all non-members to join us too. For more information, visit www.northwoodsmuskies.com

More Images from our moral victory:

Following this weekend’s nice start in which we boated a couple and saw lots, the fishing quickly fell off the map as July progressed onward.Not sure what’s been going on. The indians had a bad spearing season themselves so the muskies are still in the lakes they live in, LOL. They just haven’t been willing participants for me. The futility of 2014 has since continued, and I have not caught a single musky since. I’m about to throw in the towel until end of September if nothing happens once again in early August.

Thank goodness I bass fish a lot.

The story of 2014 continues to be big smallmouth bass. Other than a few lake explorations and tactical adjustments I’ve slowed down with my bass fishing a lot. Now that I will be back to seriously fishing for the first three weeks of August, I’m looking to get back to the level I was at in May and June. Can’t wait.

It’s taken some time for the bass to progress into their summertime locations as water temperature fluctuations have made fish less concentrated and more spread out. Major coldfronts have negatively affected the bite also. Few fish have been down deep where they are supposed to be right now, while majority are still hanging out along the primary breaklines and secondary breaks. It’s been like this since end of June. 8 to 15 feet has been the magical level it seems. Deep rocks, sandgrass, wood and fish cribs have been my targeted areas. At some point, deep open water above thermoclines (following suspending cisco and smelt schools), as well as edges of deep mid-lake structures will be the areas to concentrate on.


Typical daily scene. Finding the wolfpacks has been easy. Catching, a whole ‘nother story.

Tube jigs and finesse plastics have been catching them best.


Last weekend I got my dad into the boat for a couple hours with me for the first time all year. We didn’t catch a whole lot, but he caught his $50 walleye while I caught this nice chunk while cranking the sand grass.


On some evenings, I’ve been too lazy to fish anywhere else but the backyard. Monster gills have kept me entertained. I let them go so they can become even bigger monsters.



During middle of this week, I depart for the north again, and will be spending much of it there. We’ll see what a new month brings. I’ll be making my Northwest Ontario trips then from there. Fingers crossed. Work and fish, such is life.

Give me a shout anytime through my sites at www.ragasfishing.com and www.fishing-headquarters.com



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