Float Trip Smallmouth Bass

Ever since I knew how to handle a rod and reel I have frequently fished rivers throughout the Upper Midwest in search for anything that swims and is deemed as catchable. Growing up, flowing waters have served as my playground for learning about their diverse populations of fish species, and figuring out the methods and techniques in how to best catch them. In fact, most rivers today still serve as my training grounds in trying to better understand fish that come in all shapes and sizes. Of all bodies of water they are without question some of my favorite places to spend significant amounts of time at, especially during the heat of summer. Continue reading Float Trip Smallmouth Bass


Big Country Smallmouth Bass

Imagine the quality of fishing in Northern Wisconsin. Probably the first ideas coming to mind are its legendary world record muskies, and the thoughts of walleyes sizzling on the frying pan. Although muskies and walleyes aren’t my most frequently fished quarries up north, I still spend significant amounts of time each year catching them like the locals do. While these two gamefish species are the most pursued and popular amongst Wisconsin anglers, another prominent fish species is usually overlooked and far too often ignored. Continue reading Big Country Smallmouth Bass



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